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A Wandering Eye Book

Regular price 40,00€
Regular price Sale price 40,00€
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Miguel Flores-Vianna's childhood in Argentina was marked by two constants that he believes shaped the life he chose to lead: travel and books. Perhaps because the country seems to be at the end of the world, most Argentines are born with a good dose of wanderlust, and Flores-Vianna had a greater dose than usual. Books helped him discover places both literally and figuratively, creating romantic visions of lands he wanted to visit, and he began documenting his peripatetic life with his camera, recording places as he thinks they should be, rather than as they are. In this irresistible volume, Flores-Vianna shares nearly 250 of her favorite images taken across Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas – captured only with her smartphone – in the hopes that viewers, seeing the world through her eyes, will learn to love these places. as wonderful as he is.

Hardcover, 21.21 x 26.29 cm , 240 pages.

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