Yves Saint Laurent (1936-2008), who began his career with Christian Dior, was one of the most talented and influential couturiers of his time. But Saint Laurent's extraordinary taste extended far beyond the world of fashion, and in this luxurious volume, the eight splendid homes he shared with his longtime friend and business partner Pierre Bergé are presented in brilliant detail. Notoriously shy, the designer and Bergé lived in luxury, and Ivan Terestchenko's photographs capture their exquisite surroundings in full, showcasing 19th-century French decor, important paintings by Picasso, Matisse, and other modern and romantic artists, and masterpieces. of furniture, sculpture and silverware ranging from the Renaissance to the Art Deco era. From the serene interiors of their apartment on Rue Babylone in Paris to the incandescent beauty of the Villa Majorelle in Marrakech, Bergé and Saint Laurent's sensibilities come to life
Dimensions: 28x3x31cm | 280pg